A few weeks ago, I decided that we should set up a small garden. But well, you know me, and I'm not really great doing anything small...
So I had two tri-axle trailers full of dirt delivered! Really, we only needed one and a half trucks of dirt--but the delivery fee for half a truck was higher than just topping off the truck. Obviously I just had them top off the truck--I'm not a monster.
Back behind the dirt piles in the photo above is where the garden is going to go. I'd hoped that they'd deliver the back by the pines, but the truck wouldn't fit between the trees. For about a week, Kurt and I moved dirt with the wheelbarrow. Our goal was a dozen loads a night--which is surprisingly awful haha
Woof. This was terrible! But we moved about sixty wheelbarrows to get to this point.
These plots are 10 by twelve, and the goal is to have four of them that are one foot deep. It was obvious that we were going to have to find another solution....so bring in the Bobcat!
After a few hours of zipping around in that thing, here's where ended up! This was INFINITELY more enjoyable than the wheelbarrow. Don't get me wrong, it was still oddly exhausting, but it was so much better. Kurt and I took turns, and swapped out after every eight loads or so. Whichever of us wasn't driving, would grab a rake and spread the dirt out level. The Bobcat wouldn't fit well into the inside paths, so we had to dump each load on the outside perimeter, and then rake the dirt towards the inside corners.
I've ordered seeds and plants, and now we're just in a holding pattern for a few weeks! We planted strawberries, blueberries, and black berries. because they arrived early, and the instructions were VERY specific. "PLANT IMMEDIATELY!" I'm a little nervous, and have been covering them overnight, but fingers crossed that they hang in there!
I think we should be able to plant the first round of potatoes next week. I've been consulting the Farmer's Almanac, but also trying to strike a balance with the planting instructions on all the packages. We'll see! This is our first real "farm" undertaking, so it's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time!
Stay tuned for more planting updates, and to see what the heck we're doing with the 750 bricks Kurt ordered!