Hey Everyone!
It's been a little while since I've shared any wedding updates, so it feels like it's time!
I know that I haven't shared much in the way of wedding details, and I have to admit that that has been pretty intentional. We're 37 days from the big day, and we're starting to get really excited! I'm sure some of you will read that and think, what the heck?! Well, that's part of why I haven't shared much.
We've decided to have a very small, private, family only ceremony--which will take place in June. And we'll have a large reception for everyone we know in August. I know that might be disappointing for some people, but we just felt like that was the right thing to do for us.
We talked to a lot of people when we were starting the planning process, and heard the same things from so many people. The day is a blur. You don't remember who was there anyway. You'll be lucky to get anything to eat the entire day. And none of that appeals to us! In fact, some of that sounds downright terrible.
The best way for us to have our special day, is to keep the crowd to a minimum, and split the events into two parts. I think that anyone who knows us will know that really, both Kurt and I are a little shy, and tend to be pretty private about things. To feel like ourselves, we don't want to have hundreds of eyes on us. We accept that we have to be the center of attention for one day, but if that's the case, we require less attention for centering.
So, we sent out a baker's dozen of invites. If you didn't get one, I hope you understand, and please reach out to us if we've upset you. That was never our intention. We hope you'll join us to celebrate in August. If you did get one, send it your RSVP would ya?! When there aren't many of you, I can't help but keep a running list of who hasn't responded....
In happier news, I think we have everything except shoes for both of us, and a shirt for Kurt done for the wedding! This weekend I started working on pew decorations. I'm not 100% sure about them, but I think that they're pretty cute? Stacey has been ordained. We filled out the marriage certificate application. I really feel like we're getting close here!
Sorry these pictures aren't great...that's a record on the back lol in case that wasn't clear :P |
There are probably things that I'm forgetting, but I'm counting on either remembering them, or them not being that important. Ya know? We have each other, and that's what matters :)
Seth Avett version --Fish and Bird